Media Showdown. Who Will Win?

It is time to put to rest the biggest tug-o-war of my painting career. Acrylic or Oil paint? Which will win the crowd’s favour?

Short Answer, Oil!

Peace Lily.

Left to Right: Acrylic, Oil.

As a part of my new year commitment, I am experimenting to determine which medium will be best for smaller commissioned paintings.

I will be scoring based on time, effort, frustration of process, and popular opinion. The amount of time, the image and size will be the same in these paintings so it may offer a good grounds for comparison.

I still have a more pleasing experience with the oil paint. It could be due to my familiarity and comfort level with the medium. After some messing around, I was able to make the acrylic paint to behave more like oil and easier in my process.

Through social media, I will be posting bet placing polls and see what the general consensus is.

After 1 day worth of painting time.