One Year.

It’s been a whole year since the end. It has also been a whole year since a new beginning.

It was January since my journey really took off down the road it has now become. I have now become a mentor, a teacher, a passionate creative, and it is only getting started.

Like many others, I took to heart the promise of the One Year commitment and I encourage others to do the same. I set a goal of where I wanted to become with a subset of smaller goals that I would complete month to month, those of which I left open ended and subject to change and evolution. You can see my last year’s outline here.

It is true when they say that Resistance is the best compass. For the large part of early 2021 I had so much resistance in my personal life, I knew something had to give. Something had to change. Through my handmade canvases, I came in contact with a local artist who worked as an instructor. I was offered a position to teach Visual Art lessons at a newer local studio. I have been very against a teaching career my entire life, but in the spirit of <Redacted>, I knew I could just give it a chance without obligation to stay. It was a great crossroads. I have now built my own life thanks to this leap.

In June, I made the very scary decision to forgo my full time management job. It was making me miserable and draining any energy I had. I began living on my own, which is even more terrifying. It was something I had to do, and I knew it was the right thing to do. I have since been able to create the life I’ve wanted to live and a life that brings me fulfilment. I discovered who I am and what I truly value in a life built by my own hand and spirit.

There have been many obstacles and low points. In the transition I have been faced with self-doubt, concern, uncertainty and depression. Everytime I have been brought down, I have picked myself up without fail, and become more resilient than before. I am confident in my worth as person and as an artist, and I am comfortable in my own life. Adversity breeds creativity and inventiveness.

I choose to use resistance as a guide instead of something to be avoided. With the time that I am not slaving in a retail environment, I have become a freelance artist creating tarot deck, logos, graphics, and more importantly, establishing myself within the art community and creating more work. I am honing my skills and learning new things. Earcuff jewellery, decor jars and general crafting have become an enjoyable pass-time with my group of friends.

As I began reflecting and writing this, my Keeper of the Glass painting had fell. It had been hanging in that spot for the entire year, to this day. It picked this day.

I will continue the coming year setting small goals through each month with a long-term objective that I will use as my guide. I have a large passion project involving the NFT space that will utilise my new found love of ciphers and hidden messages and community. My studio teaching job has also presented to me new and exciting avenues. I enjoy creating scripts for commercials, but performing in them is still something I am working on. There are many skills I want to practice, and I have been enjoying them as I do.

First, let me attend to the 15 unfinished paintings in my closet….