Keeper of the Glass

Death truly makes everyone equal. It comes for us, one day or another. Can you hear the call of the Keeper? It waits for you to accept its invitation. What will you do with the time until that clock ticks its last tock?

Keeper of the Glass Oil Painting 30” x 24”

Keeper of the Glass Oil Painting 30” x 24”

Available at Ember&Stone $4364

This painting has been months in the making. It is likely the most extensive work and heart I have put into a painting to date. I have worked off and on with this piece since January.

It started as a quick spontaneous sketch on a livestream with dear friends of mine, and it quickly sunk its roots into my life. It became a challenge. It became a milestone, and it became one of my most beloved artworks.


This year has put me through working during lock down where I've spent 8 hours a day, 5 days a week being yelled at, cussed at, called down to the dirt, because the doors were closed, and still forced to make them happy and help. But, I couldn't help. Everything was out of our control, and no one saw that truth. It was traumatising, and I will never be the same. The year has taken exhibitions from me. It was going to be the year that I had 5 events lined up, where my art would be seen. And it was all taken away. It would have been my first year with exhibitions.

After having this year of opportunity taken away, I had think, why? How can I use this? I had to make a choice and decide where did I really want my art career to go. Where did I want my life to take me? If I were to create something every day, what would I never get sick of or bored with or become resentful of? What has my most successful art been and always have been about?


Life is a string of various decisions made and committed to. The channel, Unus Annus, was created through a decision and a combined effort of commitment for the whole year. Their single decision has influenced every on-looker with their decision. My single decision to begin and commit to this painting has been directly influenced by their own. And every person that has committed to the Unus Annus journey, either in its entirety or partially, has made decisions in their life that will in turn influence others. There is infinite power and potential in any single decision we make. It opens and closes doors of opportunity, connections, and milestones.

As a community, let's agree to make a yearly commitment, to do something wholeheartedly for one year. Find that thing that you love to create, to do, and spend one year honing that, spending time doing the thing that brings you joy. Why not bring yourself joy? You have the conscious power to do so, and having a deadline is a great motivator.

The date has no end, because the Unus Annus concept now lives within the community. We care on its life hereafter the channel’s death.

The date has no end, because the Unus Annus concept now lives within the community. We care on its life hereafter the channel’s death.

The End

Reaching the end of this journey, I am hesitant. I fear the end. I fear the completion of a journey I have fallen in love with. It is an artist's curse. It breaks the heart each time the last brush stroke is laid, and that varnish is coated. You can no longer touch it. You can no longer breathe with it. A part of you breaks away and is no longer molded by your hand. It now has its own life, reaching out to others, but not you. You may gaze, and admire its completion. You alone know how the painting lived, struggled, fell to the wayside, and rose again. Only you know. That is a lonely feeling.

Lonely is not a state you want to be in, so what is the harm in letting this process last a little longer? Another month goes by. Maybe just a bit longer. Another month. A continuous spiral of running from the destined end. Soon, the timer hits 00:00:00 and you realize, it would've been better to let it live its own life. To let it go and be in the world as it would have wanted. Art is communication, and the interaction gives it true life. You were selfish wanting to keep the experience to yourself indefinitely and you realize the mistake. The Regret. The Keeper knows this. You know this. This lesson we learn on our journey.

Don't let life be riddled with regrets. Live life as it calls to you.

The clock has run out. The painting has come to its end. It has been an incredible year that none of us could have predicted. This video is my message to the...