December - January

It’s hard to predict what will transpire in the future. Even a month. I have learned that setting a plan in motion and letting go of the small details is the most beneficial method. Ideas will appear, develop, and spark a new project.

One of the November projects took longer than planned, so the previous month goal will be extended until end of year. The last half of December is a wild ride to be sure. Instead of jumping right into a new set of goals and projects, I will tie off the loose ends of the previous set and attempt to enjoy some of the holidays. The Great Conjunction has put a spin on how I view the coming year and brought new light to this Unus Annus Promise I have established.


Whether or not astrology can serve as a guide for you, there has undoubtedly been a shift. The lockdowns early in the year have created an important time of discovery through introspection. For many, it has allowed for revelations of what life means on a personal level, and what people want to do with the limited time they have. The collective experience across the world will bring about a very interesting 2021 and 2022. I am very excited to see how the collective consciousness shapes the coming years.

To kick off the New Year, I will be setting some less art-focused personal goals.

I have come to realise the direction this year will be taking, and I will be utilising this. The normal art social media posts will continue as scheduled, but they will be works of smaller scale than previous. They will largely consist of sketches, video clips, gouache, ink, and watercolor. These media will allow for consist low effort cost while larger time consuming projects develop.

There are two large collaboration projects starting and these will take many months before any glimpses can be seen. It is a hefty undertaking, so the low effort cost ‘doodles’ will serve as a mix up for my routine. Not to mention, it will allow for many new ideas for future projects to surface (because I definitely need more of those).


Lastly, the project I am interested to see flourish, is creating on mass the professionally stretched and primed canvases. My goal here is to refine my production of quality painting surfaces that artists will appreciate the value in through feedback provided from local artists. To make a great painting(or anything in general), you must start with a great foundation.

This year, I will allow the often dreaded Resistance be my guide. The anxiety of launching a new project has stopped me, more times than not, from pursuing ideas and ventures. This year, I will make it a point to reverse that, and translate the anxiety into excitement.

As the year draws to a long awaited close, I encourage everyone to look back and observe the changes in your life; to recognise the lessons learned and new discoveries. Extract the beneficial aspects of a tumultuous year and use it as a catalyst for 2021. I’m excited to see how everyone will shape it.