November - December

After a few days of grilling myself over the first goal, I have decided to keep it simple.

There are a couple of Christmas presents I am painting, and completing these is my priority. As a secondary item, health will also be focused.

The week after the completion of Keeper of The Glass has been one of recovery. Exhaustion is a byproduct of working with an intense and long-term project, and it is best to give myself a resting period before jumping into the next endeavour. I have shifted gears and instead of painting, I have been planning. Creating ideas. Reflecting on previous notes and picking out what intrigues me.


It is an important eb and flow process that keeps burnout at bay. Burnout is a detrimental outcome when balance is absent especially as a creative. Every artwork I create, a piece of me is let go into the world and the repercussions correspond to how much time and effort is expended into it. Inspiration and drive can be fleeting, but when they hit, they hit hard. As much as I want to continue forward at full-throttle, I cannot ignore the inevitable consequences of it.

Now, if I were to, in some alternate universe, get this month’s project completed with time to spare, I will work on some digital illustrations. Digital has never been a strong suit of mine, so I will use some of my extra moments to develop it. It also makes for a great sketchbook. Don’t like it? Undo. Messed up an angle? Transform it. Painted on the wrong layer for the past hour? Well, shit out of luck.

Keep on creating.