Unus Annus Pactum 2024

If 2022 was the sketch, 2023 was the underpainting. Now, 2024 will be the color blocking.

This year has been full of events and milestones. There is more than what I can possibly write in a manageable entry. If I am honest, it has been quite overwhelming. About half of the goals I had set in the last year have come to fruition or close to. One pact that intrigues me is the “Bring Community Together in projects”. I had no idea how I would achieve this, but I did not sweat the details. I later on gathered a group of artists from the area and our Portrait Artists of Northern Alberta had formed. This was something that was not intentional but aligned with my values as an artist and fell within my goals I had set for myself over 6 months prior. It’s funny how life works.


Grande Con 2023


As nature now transitions into a phase of rest, I reflect on the adventures I had through the year; the hardships, the triumphs, new friends, new challenges. I have been able to do lots of travelling in Alberta, and even through Nova Scotia. Some tasks are from the 2023 Pactum and others just happened.

  • Working with my body clock and rhythm [2023]

  • Created a painting service for general public [2023]

  • Improved on communication skills [2023]

  • Improved on social media management

  • Learned piano [2023]

  • More time dedicated to friends [2023]

  • Creating and selling jewelry I love

  • Attended 14 Market events to date [2023]

  • Established story and code into paintings

  • Realized boundaries and clarity

  • Establish story and eastereggs in artwork

  • Taking care of my health[2023]

  • Participating in artist group, and made my own [2023]

  • New friends and connections in industries [2023]

It seems there have been more hardships this year than the previous, but reflecting on what I had accomplished with my time, I am amazed. In January I was approached to participate as a portrait artist in a fundraiser. These portraits had to be created within 15 minutes and, to be beneficial, be something people would want. That was a task I had never done before. I had never fathomed creating a portrait in such a short time. So I sat down for a couple weeks and practiced. And practiced. The event arrived and, instead of being nervous like I usually was, I went with the flow and just enjoyed the time surrounded by art enthusiasts and artists. I left all expectations at the door and it was an incredible time. It felt like a high and I wanted to do it again. This experience led me to summer markets and festivals.

Drawn to the Arts Fundraiser

Drawn to the Arts Fundraiser

I booked whatever events I could get my hands on and managed to attend. I met so many amazing people, strengthened bonds, created networks and slowly this potential was realized. I traveled to a select few events in Lacombe and Edmonton with a new circle of friends. New possibilities were unveiled.

Edmonton Expo with C3 Cosplay

Edmonton Expo with C3 Cosplay

In this time I had gathered a group of fellow portrait artists in the hopes of creating a, perhaps niche but passionate, community to get the fine art of portraiture back on the map and in the community. Portraiture is one of the hardest artforms to master, especially to do it on a whim and with an audience. It’s not for everyone, but it is hella fun.

MJ Designs - Christmas Kickoff Market

Xeno Mothly - All Hallo’s Eve Market

The focus of this past year seems to have been networking and creating a service that the general public would enjoy. Creating Pet Portraits has springboarded my career into an interesting direction. However, I don’t want it to overtake my north star. The latter half of this year has been a reminder of the reason I need to stay true to my heart. I had weeks of feeling dissociated and disconnected from everything in life. I did not feel like I was walking in my own shoes. I have pushed this commercial lead as much as I feel I should and it is time to reel back in and integrate what I have learned so that I may bring my true purpose to light.

If 2022 was the sketch, 2023 was the underpainting. Now, 2024 will be the color blocking.

Before 2023, I had focused on honing my skills and finding a spot for my career. I have started a path into Art Conservation and, as much as I love the hands-on skills, I cannot imagine going back into debt for schooling. I want to learn everything I can with my hands, through experience and perhaps through a different avenue. Fixing things and making things from scratch is still a skill I pursue and utilize by making my own frames and canvas. In previous Pactums, I have focused on networking and creating things for other people, but now I believe it is time to take a different direction. I want to make it less about the business, and more about refining myself and everything I do.

In 2024 I will be continuing my previous goals, and attaching some simple but refreshing ones:


  • Hone artistic skills (fundamentals, studies, rendering)

  • Try different approaches (abstract, impression)

  • Rediscover and refine my story

  • More writing, researching


  • Casual networking instead of intentional

  • Find a non-creative hobby

  • Actually read some books

  • Documenting

I will see you next year, Hannah.